
About US

Axon Active is Swiss offshore software development company with strong expertise in Agile IT and a large portfolio of successful international projects, ranging from small businesses to highly complex multi-platform systems for large corporate clients.
Axon Active builds solid partnerships with its clients by assembling tailored development teams in Vietnam who deliver high-quality, innovative solutions at a very competitive price.
In 2008, Swiss-owned and managed, Axon Active created a high-performance, scalable software delivery infrastructure in Vietnam. The 300+ developers’ outsourcing organization offers the perfect mix of talent management, Agile and Scrum practices, technology skills and industry knowledge.
For more information about:
- Axon services & expertise, please visit: www.axonactive.com
- Axon social life, just take a tour: www.fb.com/AxonActiveVietnam

Axon Active has years of experience in application development. Besides ZingPoll, Axon launched a dozen of awesome applications:
getCalendar is an easy-to-use tool to help you schedule your events with colleagues by showing both your calendar and your colleague’s at the same time.
Designed for Scrum practitioners who’re looking for an easy and convenient daily team meeting assistant. Scrool provides specific tools for various use of different roles throughout the Scrum process.
Find me for Pebble
Let your friend find you in the easiest way with "Find Me". Just by a few simple clicks on Pebble, you can now send your current location via SMS to pre-selected contacts. It's fast, convenient and effortlessly helpful.
Explore tips from around the world and be the first to discover the next big thing on Kudos! You can now share and get tips from others for absolutely anything: favorite TV shows, movies, bands, apps, games, etc.
Work now on your business processes even when offline! Axon.ivy App boosts the way users work within a business process and offers numerous possibilities.
Vierwaldstättersee Karte
Unterwegs auf dem schönsten See der Schweiz. Die App bringt den Vierwaldstättersee für Wassersportler und Seetouristen aufs Tablet und Smartphone. Online und offline nutzbar.
ZingPoll is a poll maker and voting application which is simple & reliable for personal or working purposes. Discover core values of the app: Simple - Accessible - Illustrative - Private - Exportable - Shareable.
Heart Rate
Heart Rate is an excitingly new way to share the emotion behind every photo you take with your iPhone by measuring and attaching the heart rate generated by your Apple watch to Facebook photo sharing.